With the cosmodrome located on cape Canaveral, and to Jupiter started interplanetary research probe Juno. This research probe becomes the space vehicle first for last fifteen years which will be directed on studying of this gas giant. Mission is estimated in the cost, equal 1,1 billion dollars. For this purpose that the probe would reach Jupiter, to be necessary for it four years. However it is necessary to notice that yakt that at the start, the probe will go not at once to the purpose of the mission, and in 2013 it again will return to the Earth, having flown about it, for fulfillment of gravitational maneuver and reception of additional acceleration.
The main objective of mission which will carry out this four-volume research probe, consists that to it is necessary to collect as much as possible data which could help to understand the scientist an origin of this major planet of Solar system. Scientists already know now that atmosphere of Jupiter , like the Sun, consists of helium and hydrogen. However for scientists remains a riddle – as it could skollapsirovat at early stages of evolution of our Solar system. What sequence of its formation was – or in the beginning the massive kernel was created and then round it its atmosphere was generated, or in the most protoplanetary disk instability, which provoked density growth has started to be formed subsequently.The surface of Jupiter is hidden under dense beds of atmosphere and carefully hides those processes. Which have resulted, more 4,5 billion years ago, to formation of this gas giant. Besides, scientists have till now no data concerning what kernel at Jupiter – firm or ogo consists of magma. It as should be found out to this research probe.
As, the device has all necessary equipment for this purpose what to carry out gaugings and to make a map of an electromagnetic field of a planet, to make gaugings of gases making atmosphere. As the probe will be engaged in studying of polar light of this planet, and as other atmospheric phenomena.
Deeply in a cloud layer of Jupiter, because of a high pressure, hydrogen is in the liquid state being thus an ideal superconductor. It as scientists assume, and is at the bottom of the strongest magnetic field of this planet which creates the brightest polar lights
Process of studying of all unique features of Jupiter, will occupy from a probe not one terrestrial year. For time, taken away to a probe on research of Jupiter, it will make 33 coils round this gas giant. As research probe Juno becomes the first artificial space vehicle which will work thanks to solar batteries and which will be sent so far from the Earth.
Mission Juno will end with that it in literal sense of this word will burn down in planet atmosphere, during the last scientific research in 2017.
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