Flash of this supernew has been fixed last Wednesday. It has occurred in galaxy М101 which is located in constellation under the name the Big Dipper. Is supernew on removal in 21 million light years from the Earth. For the first time has fixed flash supernew the robotised observatory located in California. It specialises on fixation and search of flashing objects, and as flickering, variables, stars. The supernew has been fixed practically right after the flash and further supervision over it was already conducted continuously. Brightness of radiation accrued with each minute. In a current of one days it became brighter about 20 times.
In a current of hour, co-ordinates of the flashed supernew have been dispatched in the largest observatories worldwide for this purpose what to begin joint supervision and studying of this phenomenon. And after three hours, from the moment of flash fixation, thanks to telescope work on Canary Islands, scientists already could obtain the data concerning the spectral analysis of the flashed supernew. It became for them the present gift.
Proceeding from the spectral analysis, it turned out that given supernew belongs to class Lа. Similar supernew are for scientists original “universal candles” because have constant force of radiation of light and thanking it, it is easy enough to make distance measurements. Always was considered that they blow up after the substance of a star "will flow" on the white dwarf next to it and after that. Earlier, it was possible to scientists to fix only scattering remains of the similar supernew. Now they can observe of all process from the very beginning.Scientists already study archival pictures of this part of a galaxy and by them have been found out in a point where has flashed supernew, two red giants. One of them also has turned to the supernew.
As intensity of brightness still continues to increase, in the nearest some days given supernew can be seen and using amateur telescopes or powerful field-glasses.
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