The given theory concerns not only our Solar system, it concerns all present kosmogonii.
Picture in an infra-red range
If to trust computer calculations the primary weight gazopylevogo clouds of which the Solar system was formed, made 104 M. the Given congestion, many times over exceeded on weight present system, it was to similarly cold fogs between stars and consisted of 99 % of gas and 1 % of a dust. Similar formation of system has been investigated by means of a telescope by it. Keka (Hawaiian Islands) with star HR 4796. As it is possible to observe in a picture (an infra-red range) round a star the disk in radius 200 a.e is generated., in the central part there is no interstellar dust. As scientists consider, planets are already generated and at present comets in an external part are formed. Under the standard theory formation of planets occurs in four stages. Formation of planets occurs from this a material and in the same terms, as stars. Initially, dust cloud is compressed that leads to loss of stability by it. Two parts of this cloud are formed separately. The central part rotates and compressed, turns to a protostar, other dust cloud which in 10 times less than the central part slowly rotates round the centre and is compressed independently. Gas is condensed in firm substance, without passing a stage with a liquid state. Thus, it is formed larger dust particles.
Larger particles get on the central part of a cloud of a dust faster. The dust part at which the rotation moment is superfluous creates gazopylevoj a disk. About a protostar the cloud which name a dust subdisk is formed protoplanetary. The given disk all is condensed in due course, in it clots which facing among themselves are formed, form planetezimali – more massive bodies. During further education the part planetezimalej breaks, and the part unites in doplanetnye bodies in the size about 1 km. Formation of planets demands millions years that in comparison with star life on much less. The protosun heats up and by means of a solar wind, pressure of light pushes aside easy chemical elements from a star vicinity. Protoplanetary clouds heat up to 400 To, and in distant areas (from above 5 a.e.) the zone with temperature nearby 50 is formed To.Evolution of Solar system
With the moment achievement by a planet of 1-2 Terrestrial weights, it is capable to grasp atmosphere. Jupiter for some hundreds years has increased own weight in tens times by means of gas capture. After, level akkretsii falls because on a way of a planet of gas few, and from external parts it arrives slowly enough. In our system planets giants who are capable to keep gas covers have been formed. Originally at them firm kernels were generated, after they "have increased" gas covers ”. The given two-level model of formation of gas giants is confirmed by the facts. Kernels of planets of giants are similar and are approximately equal on weight, distinction only in number of a gas cover, akkretsija which depends on distance from a star and the size of a planet. Round gas giants own rings and a considerable quantity of companions were generated. By calculations of scientists around an orbit of Jupiter there was a border of condensation of water steams, and in a belt of asteroids there were flying substances in a gaseous state. It has led to more intensive growth of planets around Jupiter and to delay of their development around a belt of asteroids. For this reason, Jupiter could overtake a planet which is closer to the Sun on growth. Uranium and the Neptune because of even bolshego distances grew even more slowly, their cover consists of water, methane and ammonia.
Is more subcentral Solar system smaller planets have been generated. It has occurred, as the solar wind has blown gas and small particles. Growth of the Earth proceeded hundred millions years at the expense of heavy particles. The planet kernel has heated up from 1000 to 5000 K.Eto has been caused by radioactive disintegration, gravitational compression and to collisions with large bodies. Rotation of planets close to the Sun has been braked by solar inflow. By means of a radiological method the age of the Earth which has made 4,6 billion years has been defined. The sun exists 5 billion years, through the same time interval our star will turn to the red giant and its radius will be exceeded by radius of an orbit of the Earth. Subsequently, the gas cover will dissipate, and the Sun becomes the white dwarf. And for a time interval about 1 billion years will spend all thermal energy and becomes cold object. The temperature on the Earth, at first will rise to 10000ะก, and then almost to absolute zero.
With the moment achievement by a planet of 1-2 Terrestrial weights, it is capable to grasp atmosphere. Jupiter for some hundreds years has increased own weight in tens times by means of gas capture. After, level akkretsii falls because on a way of a planet of gas few, and from external parts it arrives slowly enough. In our system planets giants who are capable to keep gas covers have been formed. Originally at them firm kernels were generated, after they "have increased" gas covers ”. The given two-level model of formation of gas giants is confirmed by the facts. Kernels of planets of giants are similar and are approximately equal on weight, distinction only in number of a gas cover, akkretsija which depends on distance from a star and the size of a planet. Round gas giants own rings and a considerable quantity of companions were generated. By calculations of scientists around an orbit of Jupiter there was a border of condensation of water steams, and in a belt of asteroids there were flying substances in a gaseous state. It has led to more intensive growth of planets around Jupiter and to delay of their development around a belt of asteroids. For this reason, Jupiter could overtake a planet which is closer to the Sun on growth. Uranium and the Neptune because of even bolshego distances grew even more slowly, their cover consists of water, methane and ammonia.
Is more subcentral Solar system smaller planets have been generated. It has occurred, as the solar wind has blown gas and small particles. Growth of the Earth proceeded hundred millions years at the expense of heavy particles. The planet kernel has heated up from 1000 to 5000 K.Eto has been caused by radioactive disintegration, gravitational compression and to collisions with large bodies. Rotation of planets close to the Sun has been braked by solar inflow. By means of a radiological method the age of the Earth which has made 4,6 billion years has been defined. The sun exists 5 billion years, through the same time interval our star will turn to the red giant and its radius will be exceeded by radius of an orbit of the Earth. Subsequently, the gas cover will dissipate, and the Sun becomes the white dwarf. And for a time interval about 1 billion years will spend all thermal energy and becomes cold object. The temperature on the Earth, at first will rise to 10000ะก, and then almost to absolute zero.
Hypothesis of Dzhinsa
In 1916 James Dzhins has offered the new theory proceeding from which, near to the Sun there has passed a star which has caused emission of solar substance. Substances were formed of this a planet. Thereby James Dzhins wanted to explain paradox on distribution of the moment of an impulse in our system. In 1935 Russell it has been assumed that the Sun when was a double star which has been blown up by forces of gravitation of thirds of star which has closely come nearer. In 1944 Hojlom the new theory according to which, the Sun was the double star has been stated, one of stars has passed all a stage of evolution and has blown up as supernew. Planets were formed of the cover rests. In the forties 20 centuries Otto Schmidt had been stated the theory according to which the Sun has grasped a dust cloud at the reference round the Galaxy centre. Of this cloud were formed doplanetnye bodies planetezimali.
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